Just a few weeks ago Blizzard Tainment announced that it would unveil its latest game at ECTS in London and speculation on the internet regarding to the return to WoW cataclysm Gold Adventures to Blackthorne II, immediately flared up. In the last weekend Blizzard ended the speculations with the announcement of WoW Cataclysm Classic.

The first WoW Cataclysm Classic is credited by many as the game that introduced the genre of real-time strategy onto computers. So, perhaps, it's appropriate to let WoW Cataclysm Classic be the game that marks the genre's demise. Blizzard co-founder and president Mike Morhaime explains. "With the launch of StarCraft we believed that we had reached the top of what is possible with the current generation of strategy games. The aim of WoW Cataclysm Classic is to create a new path to strategy titles by using dynamic and interactive elements of role-playing games, and putting these in a tactical combat setting."

In essence, Blizzard has removed several important aspects of conventional real-time games like WoW Cataclysm Classic, and developed a new genre that the marketing department of the company has called"role-playing strategy "role-playing approach". Instead of creating bases, creating countless units, and managing a variety of resources, and then repeating the whole process on each task, WoW Cataclysm Classic will play out in a single dynamic, fluid world. It will offer players smaller, but much more robust, forces to play and interact and interact with. The aim is to build units that can't be discarded however, they will grow through the experience.

However, this is not a 100% guarantee. The meta changes constantly and the most popular decks will likely inspire players to create decks that counter these decks. Fans are already gathering around Hunter because it is the only reliable alternative to Warlock. Its high damage potential allows it to frequently end Warlock off before they finish the quest. Warlock off before they've completed the quest. There are also certain Paladin and Druid decks are designed to combat the burning down aspect of the quest Mage. Blizzard could be looking through the data on players and discovering that the actual situation among the majority of Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale players isn't being represented by the vocal group of players. Perhaps it's decided to let the meta settle down a few more times before jumping into.