Diablo 4 Season 5 Review: Inferno Hordes and More


With the release of Diablo 4's Season 5, players are once again diving into the 
Diablo IV Items dark, immersive world of Sanctuary. Season 5 brings fresh content and mechanics, promising to shake up the gameplay experience. Having reached level 100, farmed gear, and tackled the Uber boss, I've explored the new mechanics and updates in depth. Here's a comprehensive review of what to expect from this latest season.

Inferno Hordes: The New Mechanic

The primary feature of Season 5 is the introduction of Inferno Hordes. This new mechanic revolves around the Inferno Compass, which operates similarly to the Nightmare Sigils from previous content. Activating the compass transports players to a dedicated instance where they face off against waves of increasingly difficult monsters.

How Inferno Hordes Work

Upon using the Inferno Compass, players are teleported to a room where they will confront a series of monster waves. The difficulty scales with each wave, influenced by the compass's modifiers. The first wave is relatively easy, but subsequent waves become progressively harder, with the addition of various buffs to enemies and rewards for players. 

One notable aspect is the introduction of "Ather" – a resource collected during these encounters. Ather is essential for unlocking rewards at the end of the event, making it a critical component of the Inferno Horde experience. The density of mobs in these encounters is significant, often rivaling or surpassing that of Hell Tide events. This makes Inferno Hordes a highly efficient method for leveling up, comparable to, if not better than, other methods in terms of monster density.

Buffs and Modifiers

During the Inferno Horde, players encounter three different offers that modify the encounter. These offers typically increase the challenge by buffing the enemies but also provide benefits to the player. For example, one offer might increase the damage of elite enemies by 25%, but in return, players gain additional Ather from defeating Ather Fiends. These offers encourage players to strategize and adapt to increasingly challenging conditions, balancing risk and reward.

Leveling and Glyphs

From a leveling perspective, Inferno Hordes are highly effective, especially below level 100. The fast-paced nature of these encounters allows players to gain experience quickly. However, it's worth noting that while Inferno Hordes are excellent for leveling, they do not contribute to glyph experience. Therefore, players should still engage in Nightmare Dungeons to level up their glyphs effectively.

The Rewards System

At the end of each Inferno Horde session, players are rewarded with four different chests, each offering a variety of loot:

1. Greater Equipment Chest: Guarantees a Greater AIX item, ensuring a high-quality piece of equipment.
2. Legendary Items Chest: Provides a selection of legendary items, useful for obtaining unique and powerful gear.
3. Masterworking Materials Chest: Offers materials used for crafting and enhancing equipment, valuable for players who prefer to farm rather than engage in the Pit.
4. Gold Chest: Allows players to trade their remaining Ather for gold.

These chests ensure a diverse array of rewards, from valuable equipment to essential crafting materials.

Gameplay Impressions and Suggestions

While Inferno Hordes offer a fresh and engaging experience, the mode does have its drawbacks. The repetitive nature of the encounters can become monotonous over time. Additionally, the current system favors speed runs and maximizing Ather collection, rather than focusing on long-term survival or survival mode elements. 

A potential improvement could be to shift the focus from speed to survival, allowing players to see how long they can endure against increasingly difficult waves. This would introduce a different gameplay dynamic, encouraging players to adapt their strategies and builds to survive as long as possible.

Unique Items and World Bosses

Season 5 also brings notable changes to unique items and World Bosses. Unique items have been reworked, with new additions enhancing their appeal. For instance, new unique rings have been introduced, making certain abilities, like Cataclysm, more potent. This rework aims to balance the usefulness of unique items with tempered legendary gear, which continues to play a crucial role in specialized builds.

World Bosses, on the other hand, have been adjusted with a new "resilience" mechanic. This change makes them significantly tankier, prolonging battles and making them more challenging. The increased resilience means that World Bosses now require more time and effort to defeat, especially in a multiplayer setting where damage output is shared.

Reputation System and Quality of Life Improvements

The reputation system from Season 4 has returned, with some adjustments that improve gameplay flow. Reputation progression is now more integrated into regular gameplay, allowing players to complete seasonal quests and gain rewards more efficiently. This integration includes:

Quicker Whisper Progression: The Tree of Whispers now processes faster, making it easier to complete tasks and gain rewards.
Repetitive Caches: Players receive caches that provide additional compasses, legendary items, and boss materials, streamlining the reward acquisition process.

These changes enhance the overall quality of life and streamline progression, making it easier for players to engage with the content without feeling bogged down by repetitive tasks.

Is Season 5 Worth Playing?

Whether or not to dive into Diablo 4 Season 5 depends largely on your previous engagement with the game. If you enjoyed Season 4 and are looking for additional content, Season 5 offers some solid improvements but may not be a game-changer. The updates, such as the Inferno Hordes and reworked unique items, enhance the game but don't represent a dramatic shift from previous seasons.

For players who haven't engaged with the game since the early seasons, Season 5 provides a more polished and complete experience. The new mechanics, improved unique items, and quality-of-life changes make it a good entry point for those returning to the game before the upcoming expansion.


Diablo 4 Season 5 delivers a range of updates and new features that refine the game's experience. Inferno Hordes introduce a new mechanic with exciting potential, though it may benefit from further adjustments to balance speed and survival. Unique items and World Bosses have seen significant changes, adding depth to gameplay and strategy. The reputation system improvements and quicker Whisper progression contribute to a smoother experience.

Overall, Season 5 is a solid update that enhances the Diablo 4 experience but might not be revolutionary for long-time players. However, for those returning after a break or new players looking to  buy Diablo 4 Gold dive into the game, it's a great time to explore what Diablo 4 has to offer before the next expansion arrives.