Cataclysm Classic : who got Is it the latency wasn't like amazing

I don't know but it was awesome we got instant teleportation we didn't get that little map with the you know dotted dotted thing and the X you know traveling in the WoW cataclysm Gold boat but it was really cool that that happened to cracks me up what was really surprising about Blizzard last blizzards launch this time was that there was no crashes. I didn't get any disconnects. Benediction was great.
Now who got Is it the latency wasn't like amazing, because like you'd right click to loot a mob and it would be like items disappearing slowly. So latency. I mean, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't like perfect. So there was definitely lag. And it continued throughout to kind of dependent if you were further away from the horde of people, you'd have less lag but really not bad for a mega server. Right? We're talking about benediction Alliance side.
Now most surprising thing also about this launch is that for some reason, I didn't have to battle other players to tag mobs. I was like, What am I in the wrong area? Am I am I supposed to be here? This is Northrend. Right? Like I was like, Where is everyone? That was like tagging these shovel tusks. And I was like, there's no one to here competing with me for these mobs.
And so I was like, wow, this is really surprising. I can't believe I'm able to tag these mobs. So I was just like, I was taken aback first. Like I'm like, I'm gonna get out of here like something's gotta be wrong. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if it was layers or if I was just ahead of the pack. I kind of just ran off into nowhere and started killing shovel tusks.
So that was really surprising to me. Another huge surprise was that the fastest Levellers it seemed so far in Wrath Lich King were actually grinding Burning Crusade dungeons, the fastest class that it appeared to be when I slashed through and I looked at people who are already level 72 While I was still level 70 actually appeared to be warriors and I was like what is going on and they were all in the botanika so this seemed like this was like the best farm which was really really surprising to me now guys, I actually did a decent amount of preparation.
I got 20% of my level within like the first few minutes of launch what I actually did if you remember Alterac Valley The Proving Grounds quest to grab the flag right? I never turned that in and I was already exalted with Ultra valley now if you remember you upgrade your insignia each time you go to a new level of reputation right?
So I never turned in the Proving Grounds I turned that and that was a quest and then I turned to question five times one for friendly one for honored one for revered and one for exalted. This was five quests stacked into one so I had you know already like 25 quests prepared one of those being like a five step quest, right so I got 20% of my level like boom, right after I got the AV turned in, I went to quelled an OS, etc.
I still was like miles behind these people in Botanica I was like What did you do to cheap Cataclysm Classic Gold prepare for wrath? How are you level 72 Right now, so I was super impressed by that. Of course the brew fest there was a 10% XP bonus brew fest happens at 6:15am and 6:15pm. If you stand on those grounds it's not too late to do that.