In the forum posting, Jordan said that some online features, WoW cataclysm Gold such as leaderboards and clans are being developed. Jordan did not provide a specific date for when they'll go live beyond the vague "in the next few days" timeframe. However, Jordan confirmed his belief that Blizzard is "hard working" in getting the missing features in place.

The President of the World Bank has spoken out to express his displeasure over Microsoft's planned $68.7 billion deal to acquire Activision Blizzard. At a conference this week, and later covered in Reuters, World Bank president David Malpass said the deal is a negative reflection on in a time where many parts around the globe are grappling with financial issues and debt.

The World Bank is a global financial organization which works to alleviate the level of poverty in the world by offering loans and other opportunities to countries and regions that are in need. Malpass confirmed that the purchase cost Microsoft will be willing to pay Activision Blizzard is factors more than the most recent International Development Association budget to assist some of the least developed nations around the globe.

"I was stunned today by Microsoft investment of $ 75 billion (Ed. note that the purchase price is $68.7 billion], for the video gaming industry at a moment when, to put it into perspective, the total commitment to IDA20 that we were able to fulfill at the end of December was $24 billion, spread over three years. It's $8 billion a year to 75 of the most disadvantaged nations. Eight billion dollars is an investment of $75 billion, one-shot in a gaming business. It's a question to consider: "Wait just a moment what is the best choice for capital allocation? This is the case with bonds. A huge amount of money is coming into this market and it's only a small fraction of the globe that has access to bonds financing."

Malpass continued to state that the wealthy are growing richer because of this arrangement and he'd prefer to have more money available to assist poorer countries.

"In order to tackle the flow of refugees, cheap WoW cataclysm Gold the malnutrition problem and on, there needs to increase the amount of money and growth coming into developing countries," Malpass said.