There are a variety of poisons that could be useful during an PVP fight. Crippling poison is commonly employed to stop your adversaries from fleeing or to WoW cataclysm Gold allow yourself the chance to escape an opponent you aren't sure you can be able to win. In the case of instant or deadly poisons, they can also be used to do additional damage.

When you face enemies who can be melee, do not forget the ability to use your Evasion ability to absorb nearly half the of the damage they cause, however, be wary of warriors, who will utilize Overpower to virtually control you when you're using this skill. Vanish is a useful skill when playing PVP and can be used to sprint away from a player who tries to take advantage of you, or to escape from any root snares or snares that have been thrown at you. Make sure you are aware of your skills and apply them when needed to boost your DPS particularly when you face with higher level opponents.

Group PVP could be the place the place where rogues truly become more effective. It is obvious that you have ability to deal with damage, which can be your principal damage-dealers however, you could use your control capabilities to confuse spellcasters of your enemies, stun and sap threats and the like. In larger-scale battles like town raids, it is possible to utilize your stealth capabilities to sneak into the lines of enemy troops and Sap defeat weaker rear guards like hunters and mages, which will not be protected by warriors. There are plenty of chances to make yourself difficult and use them to your advantage.

In terms of equipment Rogues are limited to leather and cloth armor. You can't upgrade to mail once you reach level 40, like hunters or shamen. As far as stats are concerned the most common option is to opt for massive agility bonuses that will enhance your dodge power and greatly increase the chance of getting crucial hits. Stamina is another important factor to compensate for your absence of armor, and Strength can help increase the damage you take.

As far as weapons are concerned the majority of rogues opt to buy WoW cataclysm Gold  use daggers in a dual-hand fashion, since certain attack abilities require daggers in your main hand slot in order to use them. Rogues who would rather focus only on Sinister Strike may wish to make use of a sword as their main hand to provide additional damage, however this could make dagger-only techniques such as Ambush and Backstab useless. Maces aren't the most well-known option, but when you're using your Mace Specialization talent, you'll have a chance to strike random stuns at your opponent, reducing how much damage you'll take.